When: 2010-10-26 to 2010-10-28
Country/City: U.S.A., Glendale
Venue: Renaissace Glendale Hotel & Spa
Related Industries: Telecom Products trade show
AstriCon have the opportunity to see the latest product and service offerings from today's leading vendors who are leveraging Asterisk to offer flexible, affordable and robust IP telephony solutions. Asterisk Exhibition brings together the leading products from a wide range of categories: endpoints (phones), gateway hardware (cards and stand-alone devices), software add-ons, embedded solutions, and Internet telephony services.
For Visitor:
attendee profile includes E-content suppliers, network of distributors, resources and telecom decisions makers, research centers, telecom & network services and products, prescribers, distributors, operators, local authorities, manufacturers, integrators, vars, internet hosts, installation companies, planners, subcontractors, corporate accountants, professionals, consultants, distributors.
Exhibit profile:
Exhibitor profile includes E-content developers, Wireless solutions, High-speed, wireless Internet; Operations software; Telecommunications; Voice recognition; Interactive vocal servers; Mobile marketing applications and solutions; Development environment; Wireless equipment and WLAN solutions; Mobile resources traceability; Data security with mobile access; value-added contents and mobile services.