When: 2011-05-05 to 2011-05-08
Country/City: Germany, Leipzig
Venue: Leipzig Exhibition Centre
Related Industries: Agriculture trade show
Agra Leipzig reflects all the current trends of the state agricultural policy and is a preferred direct link for dialogue between the Bulgarian and foreign companies and the specialists using their services.
For Visitor:
Trade attendees - Landscapers, Gardeners, Decorators, Floral artists, Agronomists, Farmers and estate owners, Professionals related to the field of Flower and plant collections, floristry supplies, floral arrangements, floral decorations, flowerpots and window boxes, earthenware & General Public.
Exhibit profile:
Profile for exhibit includes Tractors, Transportation engineering, Cultivation, order, Fertilization, plant protection, irrigation, harvest, storage, processing, Seed and planting property, Fertilizer plant protection agent, Regenerating raw materials and regenerativ energies, Biological gas facilities, wind energy, solar energy, water energy, Energy from wood, Forest and timber economy, Landscape conservation, Agriculture generally, Spare parts.