When: 2011-11-10 to 2011-11-12
Country/City: Finland, Tampere
Related Industries: Medical & Pharmaceutical trade show
Apuvaline, Hyvinvointi & Koti will serve as a platform for medical suppliers, industry professionals, government bodies, hospital administrators, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to collaborate, spearhead and implement objectives and improved solutions to better serve the medical and healthcare needs of the population. The event is being organized by Expomark Oy.
For Visitor:
Professionals related to the field of techniques & equipment of hospitals and health-service establishments, hospitals and health-service establishments, facilities for the handicapped, doctors, rehabilitation and spa staff, employees of hospitals, health institutions, people interested in a healthy lifestyle, seniors - in the area of rehabilitation, patients and handicapped, general public.
Exhibit profile:
Profile for exhibit include diagnostic and therapeutic apparatus and equipment, laboratory instruments, pharmaceutics, stomatology, building health facilities, rehabilitation and health aids for walking, orthopaedic and compensation aids, furniture, aids and devices for people with internal diseases, rehabilitation, recondition and healthy life style, consultations, financing, insurance companies, insitutions and information in health service.