When: 2011-10-04 to 2011-10-06
Country/City: Brazil, Sao Paulo
Venue: Centro de Exposicoes Imigrantes
Related Industries: Industrial Goods trade show
Fair Industrial Gas exhibition is aimed to demonstrate the scientific-technology achievements in the field of manufacture, storage and transport of the industrial gas. The event will provide an ideal platform for related industry professionals to meet and exchange their ideas under one roof at the Centro de Exposicoes Imigrantes, Brazil.
For Visitor:
Professional related to Gas purification technologies, Nitrogen and oxygen stations, Carbon monoxide and dioxide producing units, Hydrogen producing technologies, Helium and rare gases, Energy-efficient technologies for industrial gases production, Industrial gases distribution technologies.
Exhibit profile:
Attendees profile includes Air separation units, Thermodynamic and thermo physical properties of gases and mixtures, Gas purification technologies, Nitrogen and oxygen stations, Carbon monoxide and dioxide producing units, Hydrogen producing technologies, Helium and rare gases, Energy-efficient technologies for industrial gases production, Industrial gases distribution technologies, Economical efficiency of providing customers with industrial gases.