When: 2011-03-22 to 2011-03-24
Country/City: Russia, Moscow
Venue: Olympiysky Sports Complex
Related Industries: Industrial Goods trade show
Non-Destructive Testing Exhibition(NDT Russia) is an exhibition related to equipment and devices for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics.The conference and exhibition will focus on the challenges for the NDT industry and will involve the latest innovative NDT solutions, methodology, techniques, certification, training and equipment reliability. Exhibitors can emphasize the role of existing and new NDT technologies in today's era.
For Visitor:
Professionals related to Production, Scientific-research activity, Repair - operational services, Buyer, wholesaler, importer of Instrument making, Aircraft construction, Electroenergetics, Chemical industry, Metallurgical & metal-working industry, Oil & gas industry, Machine-tool construction, Railway transport, Shipbuilding, Woodworking & pulp-and-paper industry.
Exhibit profile:
Profile for exhibit includes Technogenic Diagnostics, Acoustic testing, Ultrasonic testing, Acoustical and emission testing, Eddy current NDT, Visual testing, Optical testing, Laser technologies in NDT, Magnetic particle testing, Electromagnetic testing, Thermal testing, Vibration diagnostics, Liquid penetrant testing, Leak testing, Radiation testing, Ecological Diagnostics, Radiation safety, Gas analysers, Chemical-analytical ecological monitoring.