When: 2012-03-21 to 2012-03-23
Country/City: Canada, Vancouver
Venue: Vancouver Convention & Exhibition Centre
Related Industries: Business Services trade show
GLOBE 2012 trade exhibition will be the 12th event in the GLOBE series of biennial conferences and trade exhibitions on the business of the environment. This series of events is dedicated to bringing together professionals from the environment sector. Every two years, corporate executives, government representatives, environmental senior managers, urban planners and financial executives meet to discuss emerging priorities and opportunities in the business of the environment.
For Visitor:
Corporate executives, government representatives, environmental senior managers, urban planners and financial executives are the target attendees.
Exhibit profile:
The GLOBE 2010 Conference and trade exhibition will showcase the latest technologies and services from all over the world in a variety of sectors, including: alternative energy, air quality management, water supply and waste water, climate change, energy efficient vehicles, fuel cell technologies, green building products and technologies, energy efficiency, pollution prevention, waste management and recycling, sustainable construction and urban environmental management.