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HOME > GTEC recognizes top public sector IT leaders, reveals Distinction Award Medalists at National Gallery of Canada

GTEC recognizes top public sector IT leaders, reveals Distinction Award Medalists at National Gallery of Canada

Ottawa, Ontario -- Tuesday, October 6, 2009 -- GTEC 2009, last night acknowledged 36 Honourees for outstanding public sector leadership in innovation during the sixteenth annual Distinction Awards at the National Gallery of Canada, in Ottawa. From 78 nominations in 2009, top public sector IT leaders were recognized for exceptional performance in the following groups: Federal, Provincial, Municipal, National and Leadership.

With the introduction of a new event format as well as a new location, The National Gallery of Canada, for the first time since the event was established over 16 years ago, the 2009 Distinction Awards formally recognized public IT leadership in two principle ways: first, by presenting all nominated projects that clear the first round of judging with a "Service Delivery Award"; and secondly, creating a new "Gala Celebration" that project teams, leaders, deputies and executives all could participate in. Just over 550 attended the event including government CIOs, invited Deputy Ministers, leaders in industry and Canada’s new Chief Information Officer, Corinne Charette.

In addition, a special Leadership Award was given to Dr. Sam Ryan, of the Canadian Coast Guard/Department of Fisheries and Oceans, for leading the international maritime community in developing and implementing a new global system for Long Range Identification and Tracking of Ships. Chairing a team of members from over 40 countries, Dr. Ryan led the development of dozens of reports including technical specs, guidelines, and procedures, which resulted in a satellite-based tool tracking ships and providing crucial data in real time for governments to evaluate security risks off their coasts

The Judging Process
The judging of nominations was conducted in three stages. First, SCOAP (Society of Collaborative Opportunities and Advancement of Professionals) screened all nominations for the awards, and identified those who qualified in all groups. SCOAP is a non-profit association, dedicated to exploring achievements and issues related to the management of information and technology on people, companies and society in the knowledge-based economy. A second panel of senior officials from all levels of government and the private sector, voted on a list of Honourees. Lastly, a Judging committee chose Medalists as "first among equals" for the Gala Ceremony.

GTEC’s Executive Director Kevin d’Entremont also said, "Competitions don’t encourage high standards of excellence in the public sector. We are choosing to put the emphasis on celebrating the exceptional service that already exists in the public sector, in a meaningful ceremony that is appropriate for all to enjoy."

Please see the following pages for a list of all the GTEC Distinction Award Medalists.

About GTEC 2009

After more than 16 years, GTEC is recognized as Canada’s most significant forum on the use of technology to improve government services and operations. The event features an annual Distinction Awards program and gala, a comprehensive Professional Development Forum, and the GTEC Exhibition. The conference program and extensive trade show are attended annually by an estimated 7,000 professionals. For more information please visit

Group I: Federal Awards

Category A: Service Delivery to Citizens & Businesses
GCSurplus, Public Works and Government Services Canada
Acquisitions Branch

Category B: Internal Business Operations
Human Resources Service Request, Transport Canada
Human Resources Directorate

Category C: IT Operations
Managed Distributed Environment (MDE) Program,Canada Revenue Agency, Information Technology Branch (ITB)

Group II: Provincial Awards

Category A: Service Delivery to Citizens & Businesses
Enhanced Driver’s Licence,Ministry of Transportation
Economics and Transportation Cluster - Road User Safety Solutions Branch, Enterprise Solutions Office

Category B: Internal Business Operations
Suspension Impoundment Management System (SIMS), Government of Ontario, Road User Safety Solutions Branch
Economics And Transportation I&IT Cluster

Category C: IT Operations
Workstation Power Management, Government of British Columbia, Ministry of Citizens’ Services
Workplace Technology Services Division

Group III: Municipal Awards

Category A: Service Delivery to Citizens & Businesses
City of Grande Prairie Municipal Wireless Public Safety Initiative, Grande Prairie Municipal Government
Information Technology Team and Fire Department

Category C: IT Operations
Delta Project, City of Kitchener
Information Technology Division

Group IV: National Awards

Category A: Information Management
Beginner Driver Education (BDE), Ontario Ministry of Transportation, Road User Safety Solutions Branch

Category B: Cross-Jurisdictional Partnerships
Corporate Tax Administration Redesign /Corporate Tax Administration for Ontario Project (CTAR/CTAO), Canada Revenue Agency/ Ontario Ministry of Revenue (OMoR)
CRA Information Technology Branch (ITB) / CRA Assessment and Benefits Services Branch (ABSB)
Ontario Ministry of Revenue, Corporate Tax Administration Redesign Project (CTAR)

Category C: International Partnerships
Can/US Security Simulation Technologies Group (CUSSTG), Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Learning & Development

Category D: Pilot Projects
e-Services Framework Project: Initial Applications, Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Service Innovation and Technology

Category E: The Human Dimension
Centre of Expertise in Communities of Practice, Canada School of Public Service , Departmental Client Relations and Regional Operations

Category F: Unique Achievements
Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, Canada Border Services Agency, Innovation, Science and Technology Branch

Group V: Leadership Awards

Category A: Leadership
Dr. Sam Ryan
Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), Canadian Coast Guard / Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Integrated Technical Services

Groupe I : Prix fédéraux

Catégorie A : Prestation de services à la population et aux entreprises
GCSurplus, Travaux publics et Services gouvernementaux Canada, Direction générale des approvisionnements

Catégorie B : Fonctionnement interne du gouvernement
Demande de services sur les ressources humaines, Transports Canada, Direction générale des ressources humaines

Catégorie C : Activité TI
Le programme de L’Environnement répartie contrôlé (ERC), Agence du revenu du Canada, Direction générale de l’informatique

Groupe II : Prix provinciaux

Catégorie A : Prestation de services à la population et aux entreprises
Amélioration de l’administration du permis de conduire, Ministry of Transportation, Economics and Transportation Cluster - Road User Safety
Solutions Branch, Enterprise Solutions Office

Catégorie B : Fonctionnement interne du gouvernement
Suspension Impoundment Management System (SIMS), Direction des solutions pour la sécurité des usagers de la route, Groupement ITI pour
l’économie et les transports

Catégorie C : Activité TI
Gestion de la puissance des postes de travail, Gouvernement de la Colombie-Britannique
Ministry of Citizens’ Services, Workplace Technology Services Division

Groupe III : Prix municipaux

Catégorie A : Prestation de services à la population et aux entreprises
Projet sur la sécurité publique sans fil municipale de la Ville Grande Prairie, Grande Prairie Municipal Government
Information Technology Team and Fire Department

Catégorie C : Activité TI
Projet Delta, Ville de Kitchener, Information Technology Division

Groupe IV : Prix nationaux

Catégorie A : Gestion de l’information
Projet Cours de conduite pour débutants, Groupement ITI pour L’économie et les Transports, Direction des solutions pour la sécurité des usagers de la route

Catégorie B : Partenariats pangouvernementaux
Projet de restructuration de la gestion des impôts et de l’administration des taxes de l’Ontario (CTAR/CTAO), Agence du revenu du Canada/ Ministère du Revenu de l’Ontario, Direction générale de l’informatique/ Direction générale des services de cotisation et de prestation
Ministère du revenu de l’Ontario - Projet de restructuration de la gestion des impôts

Catégorie C : Partenarias internationaux Groupe canada/américain de technologies de simulation en sécurité, Gendarmerie Royale du Canada

Catégorie D : Projets pilots
Projet sur le cadre des cyberservices : applications initiales, Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada, Innovation des services et technologie

Catégorie E : Dimensions humaines
Centre d’expertise au sein des réseaux d’échange de pratiques, École de la fonction publique du Canada
Relations avec la clientèle du ministère et opérations régionales

Catégorie F : Prix pour réalisation unique
Initiative relative aux voyages dans l’hémisphère occidental, Agence des services frontaliers du Canada
Direction générale de l’innovation, de la science et de la technologie

Groupe V : Prix de leadership

Catégorie A : Leadership
Suivi et identification à distance/Dr. Sam Ryan (LRIT), Garde côtière canadienne et Ministère des pêches et des océans, Services techniques intégrés